Dear Poloverse, We hereby confirm the host and dates for European Championships 2023. Berlin proposed to host the event in the week after Berlin:Mixed. The proposed dates are: Wildcard August… Continue reading European Championship 2023
Tag: WHBPC qualifier
Comunidad latinoamericana Con mucha alegría les presentamos el afiche oficial del sexto encuentro latinoamericano de bicipolo (ELBP6) en el cual hemos invertido como club organizador, mucho esfuerzo, tiempo, ganas, pero… Continue reading ELBP6
The NAH is extremely excited to announce that San Luis Potosi (SLP) will be hosting the 2023 NAHBPC in collaboration with Mexico City and Guadalajara. Bringing the NAHBPC to Mexico… Continue reading NAHBPC 2023
Asia Hardcourt Bike Polo Championship 2023
2018以来5年ぶりにバイクポロ世界選手権の予選を兼ねた バイクポロアジアチャンピオンシップやります。🔥
Australasian Hardcourt Bike Polo Championships 2022
It may be over two years on from the originally scheduled date, but polo lives, and the tournie must go on! Australasians will follow the usual HBP tournament format but… Continue reading Australasian Hardcourt Bike Polo Championships 2022