Upcoming Bike Polo Events

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Que se Shuffle

Bike Polo Floripa Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil

Nada melhor do que pegar uma praia no Verão do Brasil depois de um torneio muito difícil. Então Que se Shuffle! Venha pra Floripa depois do Latino e vamos aproveitar as belezas da cidade e se divertir em um torneio festivo misto recreativo. Os times serão sorteados e equilibrados levando em conta nível, gênero e… Continue reading Que se Shuffle

Forest City Frenzy III

Silverwoods Arena 50 Sycamore St, London, Ontario, Canada

We are excited to announce the third edition of Forest City Bike Polo's Indoor Frenzy! Be aware that the tournament is INDOORS on a concrete surface Format/Rules This is an ABC shuffle tournament. Balanced teams will be created by pulling from the pool of players (An A, B, and C player will be selected). You… Continue reading Forest City Frenzy III

Valentines 2v2+Mixer

Grandview Park 1657 Charles St, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

East Van Bike Polo presents: Annual 2V2 and Mixer Weekend Tournament! We'll be hosting our annual 2v2 Valentine's tournament and bonus mixer tournament on the weekend of February 15th and 16th on the unceded territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh peoples. One day will be 12 teams of 2v2 games under the Cambie Bridge… Continue reading Valentines 2v2+Mixer

Polo Camp

Pambula Sporting Complex 190 Pambula Beach Rd, Pambula Beach, New South Wales, Australia

Hello Campers!! We have confirmed the dates for Polo Camp 8!! February 21-25, 2025 in PAMBULA NSW!! The brand new clubby will be ready for us so we are heading back to the ✨magical✨ homeland of Camp. Rest assured you Camp Councillors are cooking up great things for you.

Valencia Open

Jardín de Ayora C/ dels Sants Just i Pastor, 98, València, Valencia, Spain

We´re excited to announce our VALENCIA OPEN 2025! You know how it goes! A weekend full of bike polo, mistela and nice atmosphere. Save the date! February 22th-23th, 2025 Parque de Ayora Valencia, Spain 3vs3 This year opening to 14 teams. Everyone welcome. Hurry UP! 45€/team Registration is open via Poloverse We´re waiting for you!… Continue reading Valencia Open

Pharaoh’s Cup

Ramage Hotel and Resort El-Moshir Tantawy Axis, Al Hay Al Asher, Cairo, Cairo Governorate, Egypt

Dears, all bike polo family around the globe, gear up and get ready ! We are thrilled in Egypt to announce the organization of the second version of the Pharaohs Cup during February 25 - 27, 2025. Mark your calendars and book your tickets, and get ready to play bike polo amidst 7000 years of… Continue reading Pharaoh’s Cup

Polo Camp Alumni Shuffle

Metz Park 2407 Canterbury St, Austin, Texas, United States

12 Teams ABC Shuffle Must have attended Polo Camp previously in Dallas, Seattle or Lexington. Attendees will be selected through a lottery. Can't wait!!

S’ha acabat el Broquil Open

Clot de la Mel - Centro Deportivo Vila Olimpica Carrer d'Andrade, 40, Barcelona, Sant Martí, Spain

Barcelona Bike Polo presenta: S’ha acabat el broquil! 🥦 Open 2025 Formato 4 vs 4 12 equipos por sorteo ✅ Preincripciones abiertas ✅toda la info en enlace perfil Barcelona Bike polo!

BUEPPELMANIA unplugged 2025

Jugendzentrum Weberei Varel Oldenburger Str. 21, Varel, Germany

"Since 2011, SV Büppel has basically organised a bike polo tournament every year. And not much is set to change after the 13th edition in 2024 for 2025. In winter, polo is traditionally played on the Jade Bay - this time in an even more relaxed setting than usual. We have considered that the whole… Continue reading BUEPPELMANIA unplugged 2025

Bench de la Galette #10

Gymnase de la Rotonde 54 Rue Jules Guesde, Tours, France

BENCH DE LA GALETTE #10🧨 🎂Édition spéciale anniversaire🎂 Après arrangement, réunion, test tout ça tout ça avec la mairie on a le plaisir et la surprise de vous annoncer le retour des TROIS TERRAINS à la rotonde 🎉 Ayant l’accès à trois terrains au lieu de deux, cette année pas de tirage au sort comme… Continue reading Bench de la Galette #10

Tulsa Open City Squad

McClure Park 7440 E 7th St S, Tulsa, OK, United States

Tulsa Bike Polo is hosting our fourth annual Bike Polo Tournament! Registration Opens January 24tn, 2025! March 28th-30th, 2025 at McClure Park City Squad Championship - City Squads compete for seeding on Saturday and the grand prize on Sunday. A City Squad is comprised of 3-5 players. Friday: Pickup and registration from 3 p.m. to… Continue reading Tulsa Open City Squad

Smack in da Middle

Logan Park 5450 N Santa Fe Ave, Fresno, CA, United States

24 teams, 3vs3, 2 courts, Logan Park Fresno and lots of fun. Registration opens on January 31st at 6pm PST!! We’ll be sharing the link to the registration form on our Instagram bio. Hope to see you all here!!

Thaw XI

TBD (DC Bike Polo) Washington, DC, United States

Save the date. We are working hard to find a venue in DC instead of Frederick; so tbd location. The format is shuffle day 1 and bench day 2. Registration will start Jan 1 and close Feb 14. More details coming soon!

Red Cup Shuffle

Walker Park 200 Memorial Terrace SE, Atlanta, GA, United States

We shuffled things around a bit and invite you along for a real shuffle this time! We're back and more excited than ever to bring you a classic bike polo tournament in Hotlanta, Georgia! Join us April 19th-20th for a weekend of fun, friends, and friendly competition. Limited housing is available, but there are plenty… Continue reading Red Cup Shuffle

Rising Stars

Tempelhofer Feld Tempelhofer Damm, Berlin, Germany

At least a rookie per team. Save the date. More details soon. Berlin. Lichtenberg. First group on Friday evening/afternoon.

Bike Polo Camp

Coolavin Park 550 W 6th St, Lexington, KY, United States

Save the date! We are excited to announce we will be back at @lexingtonbikepolo this year! April 26 & 27th Lexington, KY 40 campers Cost is $150 Registration drops next Friday, January 24th! Can't wait to see all the new faces this year!!

Melbourne Autumn Tournament 2025

Flagstaff Gardens 309-311 William St, West Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Court booked and date set. Start gathering your teams! Details and registration form to come. To keep updated, follow the Telegram channel. Questions? Ask them in the telegram chat pls. This tournament takes place on the lands of the Wurundjeri people. Always was always will be Aboriginal land

PolyGones III

CAF Croix Rousse 106 Rue Philippe de Lassalle, Lyon, France

PolyGones III 24/25 may 2025 // Lyon Hi everyone ! More infos to come, save the date ;) Salut à toustes, Plus d’infos à venir, gardez la date ;)

Summertides II

Central Gym & Park 3429 3rd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN, United States

💥 Come play some bike polo with us but come early for some 4th of July bike rides and beach hangs! 🔮3v3 tournament, 16-total teams, 6 games of seeding then single elimination. 🚨 Reg drops April 1st! Priority spots for mixed race/gender teams. 🗓️ Saturday, July 5th - Sunday, July 6th 2025 🌎 Single court… Continue reading Summertides II


Tempelhofer Feld Tempelhofer Damm, Berlin, Germany

We are 80% sure of the date. Currently double checking with the Tempelhofer Feld administration. There might be a change in the next days.

Polocamp Leipzig

Rollhockey-Stadion Böhlitz-Ehrenberg Ludwig-Jahn-Straße 24, Leipzig, Germany

More info on PoloVerse.

Swiss Champs

St. Gallen (TBD) St. Gallen, Switzerland

It will take place in St. Gallen. more Infos will come early enough…

Melbourne Spring Tournament 2025

Flagstaff Gardens 309-311 William St, West Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

SPRING IS SPRINGING! Court booked and date set. Start gathering your teams! Details and rego form to come. To keep updated, follow the Telegram channel. Questions? Ask them in the telegram chat pls. Photo: Kiki by Joelle Miller This tournament takes place on the lands of the Wurundjeri people. Always was always will be Aboriginal… Continue reading Melbourne Spring Tournament 2025

Quing of the South III

Flagstaff Gardens 309-311 William St, West Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

DATE TBC (pending confirmation of Taiwan WHBPC dates) Enter as an individual. Play as many games as possible. Details and rego form to come. To keep updated, follow the Telegram channel. Questions? Ask them in the telegram chat pls. This tournament takes place on the lands of the Wurundjeri people. Always was always will be… Continue reading Quing of the South III