Upcoming Bike Polo Events
You no longer need to search through social media posts, hashtags, event listings, and web forums to find upcoming bike polo tournaments. You can now find all bike polo events throughout the world listed in one single place – Bike Polo Calendar!

- This event has passed.
September 24, 2022 - September 25, 2022

Location: Bex, Switzerland
Format: 3v3, abc
Ça y est, à vos agendas ! L’heure est venue de vous annoncer les dates de notre 6e édition du Poloktoberfest.
Bex bike polo a le plaisir de vous convier au sein de notre petit coin de paradis, le 24 & 25 septembre 2022.
Au programme, convivialité, festoiement, bières, burgers, raclette et surtout du POLOOOO !!
Inscriptions à venir très vite.
Suivez-nous ici ou sur nos réseaux:
Hello beautiful people !
Time to take up your calendars ! The time has come for us to announce the dates for our 6th edition of Poloktoberfest!
Bex bike polo have the pleasure of welcoming you to join us in our little corner of paradise on the 24th & 25th of September 2022.
Program: fun, festivity, beer, burgers, raclette and most importantly : POLOOOO !!
Registrations will be coming soon
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