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Forest City Frenzy III

February 14 - February 16

We are excited to announce the third edition of Forest City Bike Polo’s Indoor Frenzy!

Be aware that the tournament is INDOORS on a concrete surface


This is an ABC shuffle tournament. Balanced teams will be created by pulling from the pool of players (An A, B, and C player will be selected). You will be with the same team for the entire tournament

Rough Schedule:

  • Friday, Feb 14 Pickup – 6pm-10pm
  • Saturday Feb 15 Swiss Rounds – 9AM-10PM
  • Sunday Feb 16 – 9AM-6PM Sunday: Hayes Bracket Double Elim (Format TBA depending on time)


February 14
February 16
Event Tags:


Silverwoods Arena
50 Sycamore St
London, Ontario N5Z 1K7 Canada
+ Google Map


Forest City Bike Polo
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